First, a horizontally two-dimensional dynamical diagnosis model is set up in Cartesian coordinates, which is used to calculate surface wind field based on grid pressure data from weather maps by a computer scanning technique. 首先建立一个简单的水平二维地面风场诊断模式,根据由微机支持的数字化仪输入的地面格点气压场,诊断出地面风场;
PCI-bus is the one of the highest speed peripheral interface bus in computer, in our automatic control field, much data acquisition or motor motion control system in computer used PCI-bus devices completing the functions of data acquisition or motion control. PCI总线作为目前计算机上流行的高速外设接口总线,在工业自动化领域,计算机上进行地数据采集或者运动控制基本上也都是通过PCI总线设备来实现的。
It includes field measure and data collection system whose kernel is computer, and local Monitor system, and Remote Monitor system, and communication network. 它由以计算机为核心的现场测试/数据采集系统、本地监测系统、远程监测网络、通讯网络等组成。
In this system the magnetic field scanning is controlled and the data collection of ESR signal is completed synchronously by IBM-PC computer. 系统中用计算机控制磁场扫描,并同步地完成ESR信号的数据采集。
The route laying-out, longitudinal sections or cross-sections drawing, field data collecting with computer are combined to realize the route survey integration. 为适应全站仪测设路线中线点和测量纵横断面,并采集外业观测数据,输入计算机,绘制路线的纵横断面图,实现路线测量的综合一体化。
Seismic exploration data processing is a course that aims at field data processing by means of digital computer in order to obtain the information of subsurface structure and formation, which can be used for searching for petroleum and natural gas effectively. 地震勘探数据处理是研究如何对地震勘探野外资料利用数字计算机进行处理,以获得有关地下构造和地层性质的信息,以便有效的寻找石油和天然气等矿藏的一门学科。
Some field measurements were recorded on the R48 data collector. These data were subsequently transferred to the HASP computer system for processing and plotting. 一些野外测量成果自动记录在R48数据记录器上,然后传输到室内微机系统中进行自动数据处理和绘图。
Based on original dalas of wind field, a wind field model is studied appling advanced data analysis techniques and modelling methods, and original datas series are reproduced in computer. 以原始风场数据为基础,运用较先进的数据处理方法和建模理论,研究了风场的模型,并在计算机上再现原始数列(模拟)。
By the study of image processing in the field of data parallel computation, an algorithm-oriented mathematical model of SIMD computer, and a novel method which is useful for mathematical description of data parallel algorithm are proposed. 针对数据并行计算在图像处理中的应用研究,提出了数据并行计算机的面向算法的数学模型,以及利用该模型得到的一种新颖的、数据并行算法的数学描述方法。
Surgery simulation is one application in Medicine field for this technology. It involves the visualization of medical data, computer vision, algorithm and computer data structure, biology mechanics, etc. 手术仿真是仿真技术在医学领域的实践应用,涵盖了计算机图形学、计算机视觉、计算机数据结构与算法、机器人学、生物力学等技术。
Virtual instrument system used for field electrical test generally consists of signal conditioning units ( SCU), data acquisition devices and a computer. 用于现场电气试验的虚拟仪器系统,一般由信号调理装置、数据采集卡和计算机组成。
In order to carry out field geological mapping and data acquiring with computer assisted technology, the focus should be put on the acquiring of field geological spatial entity data, so as to develop geological mapping field data acquiring system. 开展以计算机技术为核心的辅助地质填图野外数据采集,必须以野外地质空间实体数据的采集为主线研制地质填图野外数据采集系统。
Per-processing and statistical analysis of airbone geophysical field data on PDP mini computer 在PDP小型计算机上作航空物探野外预处理&统计分析工作
The field testing with digital storage saved test data in time not to be affected by EMI. The data were accessed and processed by a computer after the launch experiment. 现场存储方式实时保存试验数据,实验结束后再读取和处理数据,无电磁干扰途径。
The distributed control system composed of PLC and computer is applied more and more widely in the field of product processing automation. We can use many ways to realize data communication between Top-Bottom position computer and PLC in the platform of WINDOWS. 可编程序控制器PLC与PC机组成的集散控制系统,越来越广泛地应用于生产过程自动化领域,要在WINDOWS平台下实现上下位机与PLC网络之间的数据通讯,可采用多种方案。
In this way, we can directly collect field data, show rotary axis dynamic curve in real-time and calculate deformation on the monitoring center computer. 这样可以直接采集现场数据,并在监测中心实时显示筒体变形曲线、计算变形量。
Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary research field to abstract knowledge and principles from biological data, which applies mathematics, computer science and life science, and etc. It is one of current research issues. 生物信息学是一门综合运用数学、计算机科学和生物学等方法研究生物数据所包含生物学意义的交叉学科,是当前的研究热点。
Nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon occurs and magnetic resonance signals are produced by the atoms which are stimulated by RF pulse in the magnetic field. These data are collected and handled by the computer to reconstruct the human tissues. 磁共振成像是利用人体组织中氢原子核在磁场中受到射频脉冲的激励发生核磁共振现象而产生磁共振信号,再经过计算机收集处理重建人体组织的成像技术。
Field service and management system is a demand side-based, non-real time data acqusition and analysis system, using modern digital communication technology 、 computer technology 、 energy metering technology and power marketing technology. 电力现场服务与管理系统是集现代数字通信技术、计算机技术、电能计量技术和电力营销技术为一体的用电需求侧综合性的准实时信息采集与分析系统。
It is an important research field to obtain 3D shape-position data of the large objects in modern mechanism industry and measurement industry, and the technology about no guide coordinate measurement using computer vision is a focus. 快速、高精度地获取大型物体的三维形位数据是现代机械工业和测量行业发展中的一个重要研究方向,利用计算机视觉的无导轨坐标测量技术则是其中的一个热点。
In the field of tobacco, many data mining technology and computer intelligent methods have been used to solve problems. 目前在烟草行业已经运用了很多数据挖掘技术和计算智能的方法来解决问题,都取得了一定的成果。
As an interdisciplinary field, Data Mining ( DM) combines the efforts of statistics, computer science, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other disciplines together. 数据采掘是统计学、计算机科学、模式识别、人工智能、机器学习及其它学科相结合的产物。